Ear Protection for Industry

Ear Protection for Recreation

NoiseBreaker Ear Plugs For Shooting

Perfect for keen shooters who are looking for effective ear protection, our Emtec NoiseBreakers® are the ideal solution. 

Due to the precise fit of NoiseBreakers, they do not move even under strenuous activity. They do not interfere with the barrel of a gun, any glasses or headgear. They can be worn comfortably all day and do not over-isolate – the in-built filter allows speech frequency sounds through, thus allowing instructions and warnings to be heard without issue.

One user said: “The NoiseBreakers had their first outing yesterday and I am very pleased with them. Many thanks for the very good product and the excellent service, not forgetting the remarkable value for money too.” 

Emtec NoiseBreakers are stocked by James Purdey & Sons Ltd, Gun & Rifle Makers of London.

Read the Shooting Times review here >

They have certainly done me proud and have proved an excellent investment.” – John Williams

The NoiseBreaker

The fact that NoiseBreakers® are individually tailored has a number of advantages; namely they are comfortable and therefore achieve a high level of acceptance by the wearer, in contrast to the conventional disposable plugs and ear muffs. Also they allow the wearer to communicate easily, but at the same time afford excellent protection.

The NoiseBreaker

Metal Detectable

The Metal Detectable NoiseBreaker is manufactured specifically for use in the food and drink industry, with a metal-detectable capacity and a metal-detectable cord.

The fact that NoiseBreakers® are individually tailored has a number of advantages; namely they are comfortable and therefore achieve a high level of acceptance by the wearer, in contrast to the conventional disposable plugs and ear muffs. Also they allow the wearer to communicate easily, but at the same time afford excellent protection.

The NoiseBreaker

Headphones Compatible

The Audio compatible version of the Noisebreaker can be adapted to house Sennheiser earphones, or audio tubing compatible with radios.

The fact that NoiseBreakers® are individually tailored has a number of advantages; namely they are comfortable and therefore achieve a high level of acceptance by the wearer, in contrast to the conventional disposable plugs and ear muffs. Also they allow the wearer to communicate easily, but at the same time afford excellent protection.

The NoiseBreaker

Slimline for maximum comfort

The Slimline NoiseBreaker is concave, and affords the wearer maximum comfort whilst wearing a helmet. It can be vented with an acoustic filter, or it can be totally solid.

The fact that NoiseBreakers® are individually tailored has a number of advantages; namely they are comfortable and therefore achieve a high level of acceptance by the wearer, in contrast to the conventional disposable plugs and ear muffs. Also they allow the wearer to communicate easily, but at the same time afford excellent protection.

Cost Comparison

Cost per employee

Cost for 90 staff

Cost per employee

Cost for 90 staff





















Attenuation Data

Due to the perfect fit of NoiseBreakers, they work in the real world as they do in the laboratory and therefore the Standard Deviation is minimal. Hence to get a true picture of the attenuation of NoiseBreakers, the Mean Attenuation at each frequency is the key number, rather than the SNR (Single Number Rating)

Attenuation details on NoiseBreakers tested at Salford University Department of Applied Acoustics EN352-2:2002.


How to Fit a NoiseBreaker Ear Plug

Taking an Ear Impression

Washing your NoiseBreaker Ear Plugs

Emtec Laboratories and Bouygues UK