Keith Stoker, Professional Shooter
In 1979, whilst working as a chartered engineer in industry, I qualified as a shooting instructor; a hobby that, in 1988, became my profession – both professions obviously requiring good hearing protection.
In my early days, in-industry muffs were the norm, but in the early 1990s I had a pair of Emtec NoiseBreaker plugs made. I wear electronic muffs whilst coaching – the only reason being that I need to hear my pupils speaking – but for the remainder of my shooting activities I use Emtec NoiseBreaker plugs. The conclusion from my recent hearing test was excellent, which is testament to the fact that I have always worn good quality ear protection.
The plugs are extremely comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, particularly on hot days. I do not hesitate to recommend Emtec plugs to any person for any shooting or industrial activity, even to those working in the offshore industry.